Thursday, November 03, 2005

OK, I was taunted last night that I have still not made a blog entry on my own. Of course, the moment I get to this page at 6:40am, my daughter calls for me she is scared, the coat hanging on the peg is "spooky". So I take it down and pray for her to not be scared. Before I can sit back down, she is calling for me again and we go through the options of me laying with her, or her coming to our bed. She says, "NO" to every option. She is tired, and she is scared of spooky coats, so I just pick her up and hold her. I take her to our room, my wife is already gone
to work out so we sit on the bed and watch the weather report for the day.

"Daddy, can you bring me waffles on a tray and turn it to the Elmo channel?"
Now it is MY turn to say NO.

I woke up several times last night thinking of what clever or insightful things I would say on my first real post, but it turns out I don't have time for that as our 10 yr old son has climbed into the bed too, I hear the chickens cackling out the window reminding me of the animal chores before me. The bedroom door needs fixing, children need fed and homeschooled and, according to my daughter, my teeth urgently need to be brushed.

Maybe next time.....


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