Saturday, November 12, 2005

How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb or (How to Avoid Common Marital Strife)

The other night my wife and I were in a discussion with 2 other couples about the same fights we all get into over the same things. So, I thought I'd help any other husbands out there who want to avoid the same pitfalls that have befallen many a man before them.

The Kitchen Rules:
A) Whatever you cook tastes better if the kitchen is clean
B) "Doing the dishes" means wiping the counters and sweeping the floor in
addition to any actual dishes that need to be washed
C) There is always room for one more dish in the dishwasher, probably room for
8 if my wife is the one that loaded it

The Laundry Room Rules:

A) Never dry her sweaters
B) Never dry anything that is stained
C) Unless everything is folded and PUT AWAY, you have NOT done a load of laundry
D) If you find yourself in the heat of a laundry argument NEVER under ANY circumstances try to infer that you do as much laundry as she does.

The Bedroom Rules: (Its not what you're thinking Chester!)
A) Do NOT sleep on the "show" pillows
B) "I'm cold" , means "You get out of bed and adjust the thermostat while I steal all the covers"
C) While she is emoting, never EVER doze off.

If you can follow these 10 simple rules, you are guaranteed years and years of marital bliss


Blogger truevyne said...


4:06 PM  

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