Wednesday, December 07, 2005

And They'll Know We are Christians by Our "W"

and they will flee...

Why do we tend to repel the very ones we are called to love? Is it because we feel anytime we talk to anyone who is "lost", if we aren't trying to work the Gospel into every conversation, we are failing the great commission? That is, of course, if we actually dare to speak to the unsaved.

I'll admit it. We live in the country and are happy that our nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away.
We are very careful about who our children talk to or hang around. There is only so much time in the day and with 4 kids, I've had my fill of "needy" by noon, so why, in God's name, would I invest what little energy I have left into someone who doesn't share my social status, my religion , or, God forbid, my politics? I know from that perspective I sound pharisitical, but the one or two people on earth who read my blog know of what I dost speak. It is a real struggle.

They will know we are Christians by our...Fish...

Who are "They" anyway? The same "they" that took prayer out of school?
The same "they" that are taking the Christ out of Christmas? perhaps..

or perhaps;
Blessed are the peacemakers for THEY shall be called sons of God
Blessed are the pure in heart for THEY shall see God

THEY are the captives seeking release
THEY are the blind seeking sight
THEY are the oppressed seeking freedom.
THEY are the man I judge ahead of me in line for buying cigarettes and lottery tickets, but mostly because he's making me late for work.
THEY are the ones who call in sick, just because its a nice day.
THEY are believers who "I" feel judge too harshly

Lord, I pray for a love for THEY.
I pray for a passion for THEY.
that THEY will know I am Christian by my love.


Blogger An Empty Clay Pot said...

There is a lot of truth in what you've written. I think that THEY need to hear it more often. ["they" meaning, "we"].
I am going to put a link to your blog on mine.

9:16 PM  
Blogger see-through faith said...

great post!

9:31 PM  

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